However, I do believe that using a globe, and practicing geography and simply being able to locate continents, countries, etc on a map and globe are important and is a skill that is being lost, with the influence of technology. Literary pieces have settings that take place in different countries and continents and I see some benefits on being able to locate these settings on a map to help students understand not only just where this setting is, but how it’s location on Earth can influence what occurs in the story, including the climate, the culture, and the terrain of the area. Overall, this pumpkin activity is a beneficial activity for us because it took us out of our comfort zone, made us think outside of the box, and brought us a sense of pride in persevering, but it certainly had me frustrated, and angry, and challenging myself to stay motivated because it entitled more than just
However, I do believe that using a globe, and practicing geography and simply being able to locate continents, countries, etc on a map and globe are important and is a skill that is being lost, with the influence of technology. Literary pieces have settings that take place in different countries and continents and I see some benefits on being able to locate these settings on a map to help students understand not only just where this setting is, but how it’s location on Earth can influence what occurs in the story, including the climate, the culture, and the terrain of the area. Overall, this pumpkin activity is a beneficial activity for us because it took us out of our comfort zone, made us think outside of the box, and brought us a sense of pride in persevering, but it certainly had me frustrated, and angry, and challenging myself to stay motivated because it entitled more than just