Well we have come to the end of our tale of the three pumpkins. First, we met the lovely and vintage Book Page Pumpkin. Then our journey brought us to the glamorous and classy Faux Nailhead Pumpkin and last we meet the sweet and cheery Ribbon Pumpkin.
Isn’t she just a little sweetheart?!
Believe it or not she proved to be the most difficult pumpkin to make, though you’d never know it by her demure personality and the simplicity of her design.
The dilemma: how to attach the ribbon. First I tried white glue. yep. nope. It just got messy and the ribbon started to become grimy and dirty, not the look we were going for. I started to break out the handy dandy glue gun but truthfully …show more content…
Step 2: Stagger your thinner strips of ribbon around the pumpkin running along a piece of ribbon along every groove of the pumpkin using three pieces of ribbon at at time. Using your staple gun staple three pieces at the top near the stem and then run your ribbon down the pumpkin and secure at bottom with another staple. Continue this pattern around the entire pumpkin.
Step 3: Attach your rick rack matching up the pattern and overlapping them over one of the thin pieces of ribbon. Overlap and staple at top and bottom.
Step 4. Place additional strips of ribbon around pumpkin leaving as little or as much of the orange peeking through as desired, being sure to secure with staples at top and bottom. Wrap and staple one piece of rick rack around top of pumpkin width wise to cover up as many staple as possible at top of pumpkin and trim excess ribbon at top and bottom.
Step. 5. Poke a think twig or stick through top of stem of pumpkin. Tie additional ribbon and rick rack in loopy bows around base of step to help cover any staples still showing. You can also tie short pieces of ribbon to mimic little sprigs poking out from