What comes to your mind when you hear the word “punk?” Do you think of a violent, attention-seeking young person, or do you think of a rebellious teenager who is trying to go against the mainstream society? “Punk is about being 16 and saying no.” According to Encarta Dictionary: English, punk is a youth movement of the late 1970s, characterized by loud aggressive rock music, confrontational attitudes, body piercing, and unconventional hairstyles, makeup, and clothing. Characterized by its fast and heavy use of guitars and drums, punk rock has influenced our society and political system throughout the history of its genre. Punk rock has a great history behind it and also has a very deep political influence behind it. The lyrics of punk rock music are often purposely controversial and offensive and the artists use the lyrics in their own unique way to express the way they feel on various topics. Developing in the mid 1970’s, punk rock was emerging in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia with groups such as the Ramones, Sex Pistols, and The Clash. This stage of punk rock is known as the New Wave. It signifies a new and different sound in music. Punk rock. Probably the most notable place that is associated with punk rock is CBGB. The CBGB started in New York City and was open on Sunday nights to play punk bands. After the CBGB made its reputation for a haven of punk music, people from all over would come to see the priceless bands play on Sunday nights. Many New Wave bands gained their popular status through CBGB. Even though punk rock is its own genre and has its own distinct sound, it would not be possible if it had not been for garage rock. Garage rock is often considered the forerunner of punk rock and is one of the most influential protopunk genres. Along with rock and roll, garage rock shaped punk rock and will be forever remembered as the greatest in protopunk music. The Untied Kingdom created a significant
Cited: Bloom, Alan, ed. The Republic of Plato. New York: Basic Books, 1968. Encarta World English Dictionary (North American Edition). Microsoft Corporation, 2007. George-Warren, Holly. Punk 365. Abrams, New York: harry n. abrams, inc, 2007. Hardcore Punk Music History. Lazarus X-Silver Dragon Records. 2003. 3 December 2007 <http://www.silver-dragon-records.com/hardcore_punk.htm>. Henke, James. “There’ll Be Dancing in the Street: The Clash.” Rolling Stone. 1980. Higginbotham, Carlton. flapper Music!. 1998. 1 December 2007 <http://www.bassocantante.com/flapper/music.html>. Orman, John. The Politics of Rock. Chicago: Nelson Hall, 1984. Princeton University. 2006. 3 December 2007 <http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=punk%20rock>.