“This Article about Puntland’s Environmental degradation which have always been challenges in the management of the natural resources, have accelerated during the last two decades due to an increasing number of causes as well as their combined effects and how charcoal burning has degraded Puntland’s environment”
By Burhan Farah Mohamed (B. Wadani)
Date: 20th, May, 2014
“Charcoal burning has degraded Puntland’s environment”
Charcoal, which is referred to as dhuxul (and firewood as qoryo) in Somali, has been the main cooking energy used by millions of households in Puntland State of Somalia for centuries and will remain so if no alternative energy is introduced. It is becoming difficult for women, who collect firewood, to find it due to denudation. Charcoal production, which involves cutting trees and burning them, is predominantly undertaken by men. The majority of charcoal traders are also men, but there are some women involved in this trade. Dependency on firewood and charcoal is not only destroying Puntland’s environment but also negatively impacting the health of women, who are its main users.
In the last two decades, charcoal burring has intensified and continues to destroy trees in
Puntland State of Somalia, forcing women and young girls to walk long hours to collect firewood. The main trees targeted for charcoal production are acacias, known in Somali as qurac and Galool. These trees are significant to the survival of this nomadic society, as they provide shade to herds, particularly goats, sheep, cows and donkeys. Qurac and Galool trees are also used to construct traditional houses. When the Somali state collapsed, men and women who lost their jobs and were displaced turned to charcoal production a job at which even previously
References: 3. Anja-Christina Beier. (2012). “Environmental and Climate Change in Somalia”.Mudisho: Somalia