Term paper has to be prepared individually on a topic as per the area of specialization. A term paper is primarily a record of intelligent reading in several sources on a particular subject. So, you shall prepare an outline for your paper and accordingly collect as many relevant materials (books, articles etc) as possible to start your work. You may adopt any structure for presenting the Term Paper as long as it is relevant to the topic you deal with. However, it should ideally have the following segments:
Introduction of the topic
Review of the various theoretical discussions and philosophical foundations available.
Review of benchmark practices available.
Provide a synthesis of the theory and practice.
Provide your major learning by this exercise
Concluding thoughts.
You shall prepare the term paper keeping in mind your target audience – the management professionals in your area of spealization. You have an obligation to give the reader something beyond what the reader could obtain directly from the source materials.
Grading is based on both research & interview content and presentation. Your paper should demonstrate that you have gained a level of expertise in the subject by studying the relevant marketing / finance/ HR/Systems/ Operations management practices and literature. Your presentation should be clean and convincing with proper use of paragraphs, complete sentences, and correct grammar. Make your term paper look and sound professional. Length of the Paper is not very important; 8 to 10 pages of double-spaced text is a good target.
You shall provide references as per APA style, developed by American Psychological Association, which is accepted and followed by most of the leading journals. When you use quotes from books or journals you may adopt the following style in the main body: Indian organizations may need “innovative organizational redesigning”(Khandwalla & Mehta, 2004, p.15) if they want to…