The Dharma is the “duty” or “law” that illustrates the responsibilities of each individual according to their birth into a caste. The Dharma of each person is their social, religious and spiritual, and moral obligations. It is also the natural universal law that facilitates the ability to save oneself from disgrace and suffering and live a content and joyful life. While the Dharma is based on each caste, it can change depending on the social expectancy and level that specific person is at. The purpose of the Dharma is to achieve a unification of the soul with the Brahman, which is the supreme reality in Hinduism. Depending on how well the Dharma is implemented determines the karma of that person. Karma means “to do” or “to make” and refers to the universal reactions that will eventually indicate pain, suffering, and the rebirth (Liberation in Hinduism). The Apastamba Dharmasutra is one of the oldest Dharma-related texts in the Hindu religion and includes many rules and laws that are intended to be observed. Through the code of conduct given by the Dharma, a person can secure both ultimate happiness and worldly joys that will eventually lead to the union with the
The Dharma is the “duty” or “law” that illustrates the responsibilities of each individual according to their birth into a caste. The Dharma of each person is their social, religious and spiritual, and moral obligations. It is also the natural universal law that facilitates the ability to save oneself from disgrace and suffering and live a content and joyful life. While the Dharma is based on each caste, it can change depending on the social expectancy and level that specific person is at. The purpose of the Dharma is to achieve a unification of the soul with the Brahman, which is the supreme reality in Hinduism. Depending on how well the Dharma is implemented determines the karma of that person. Karma means “to do” or “to make” and refers to the universal reactions that will eventually indicate pain, suffering, and the rebirth (Liberation in Hinduism). The Apastamba Dharmasutra is one of the oldest Dharma-related texts in the Hindu religion and includes many rules and laws that are intended to be observed. Through the code of conduct given by the Dharma, a person can secure both ultimate happiness and worldly joys that will eventually lead to the union with the