Almost each one of these things typically has an Internal Affairs department to assure not only the owners but its clients that their workers are trustworthy, loyal, and not doing something illegal. In most circumstances these companies or government agencies hire different people from the outside to monitor this. The employees who work at these places almost never know who these people are or even that they are being monitored. Essentially that is the whole main purpose of what an internal affairs department is. The less the employees of an organization or of a government agency know about such department or who conducts it, the more successful such department would be and in turn the more successful the community would …show more content…
Any citizen in the community is allowed to file a formal complaint by letter, telephone, or in person in any of the listed locations in the City of Miami Police Department website. The complaint can be taken by any police supervisor, made directly to an internal affairs division, or made by a civilian investigative panel. All of the complaints that are made against employees of the city of Miami police department are documented and investigated. Once the complaint is received, it is forwarded to the internal affairs division where is processed and classified. Once this complaint is classified the complaint is given to the appropriate division within the internal affairs unit so that it can be properly investigated. The internal affairs department is responsible for monitoring all investigations. For example, if a crime has been alleged by a citizen the state attorney’s office will be contacted if criminal charges are going to be filled. In addition, the citizen will be notified on behalf of who is going to be conducting the investigation. During the process of this lengthy investigation you will be required to give certain statement about what happened, who was involved, when it happened, etc. After this all leads that the investigator is able to obtain will be used towards the investigation in an attempt to close the case much faster. Once the investigation is closed the citizen who