Identify the key goals in Social Studies.
These goals are, fostering attitudes and identifying values, developing skills, establishing knowledge and understanding and promoting social participation. Essay
Research has shown that Social Studies play an important role in the development of education. This type of study explains the existence of humanity and what they need to know in order to live a purposeful life. In this essay, I will indentify and explain the importance of Social Studies in Education, its roles and why it should be taught. Social Studies include the study of social values of a society and how it affects who its people become. A child will learn to examine the psychological and sociological process that will shape his/her own personality and identity. Social Studies also examine the various types of government structure and how citizens in each of those types of structure are available to express themselves. Learning about types of government teaches a child about power and limitation of authority and culture, individual rights come into play. In Social Studies a child will be introduced to Geography where that child will learn about physical aspects of the world and how different types of environments affect the population that live there, for example too hot or too cold. This part of Social Studies looks at things like weather, climate and natural resources. Now the child will begin to make a connection as to how the environmental part of an area relates to culture, government, people, etc. Social Studies also talks about ancient living. This part helps a child to understand how the past