It all of those reason make the Everglade value. With all of the reasons being sorted text provide. It goes to say that each part of the Everglade makes a suitable for many possibility's and with each a effect that could lead to permanent damage that could cost lives, home and even to global changes in major categories of everything that is today. Without the Everglades it could lead to some major natural disaster waiting to happen. As the text “Are the Everglades forever“ state to support the value of the Everglades "A healthy ecosystem is one in which its plants and animals work in harmony. There are no drastic spikes in the populations of any one species, or drops in another. A large number of different species (a great biodiversity) is one indicator of an ecosystem’s health" a question appears upon the realization what does that mean for the organism that depend on the …show more content…
Well it is home to 67 threatened or endangered species and it’s a water source to about 7 million people and all of this from the Everglades fact box. What would happen if the Everglade just was habitable then millions of people and animal would quickly disappear with that imagine that, the lost of one place supports all that it but what would happen if that place didn't exist than it all down hill from there on. Even with all to think about it gives jobs and natural resource need to live. In overall the Everglades one of the important parts of this world that allows life to be as it does confirming importance from all three of the text from its fundamental truth of a large amount of