“In California, 260,000 college graduates under the age of 30 are working in low paying jobs...gone to high school graduates and dropouts such as food services, retail sales, and clerical work.” Larry Cuban, a former high school teacher and 20 years as a professor at Stanford University, was partially persuasive on the idea that “everyone” shouldn’t go to college. High schools now have integrated pathways in technology and medical programs, which prepare students for middle-class jobs, by experience in early programs in high school. James Kemple, the Executive Director of the Research Alliance for NYC schools, ”.. Found that those students in career academies..who completed these programs earned more money than those who were in non-academy programs.” Cuban makes a point, academic programs are efficient because programs in Career and Technical Education (CTE) help students gain experience and prepare students for jobs that are rising in the career world. CTE programs help students from poor backgrounds and young adults to achieve skills needed in…