It’s written into any human rights document and has a place in every democratic state’s declaration of state.
“Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” is a well known and used phrase today.
A happy human being is a productive human and if we are all to get along in this world we all need to chip in somehow. Contributing so that we might all have a happy and fulfilling life.
Sadly, though happiness is seen as a basic human right by many, it is one thing to write something down and quite another thing to see it happen in practice. Though the comparison might not be the best, it is somewhat the same with communism. On paper it is a wonderful idea, but it has never been fully and successfully applied in our lifetime. Same thing with the idea of happiness for all.
Sometimes I wonder, if happiness has not become a harder thing to achieve in our modern society, where we want to do so much, so many different things, achieve so much and contribute to society…While also feeling happy and fulfilled with our lives.
Some might feel that happiness is tied to love. Tied to having someone special in your life, to share your long years with. From that we get the stress created by hunting for that special someone and the disappointment when you come up short in the dating game. With a much larger pool of people to chose from, it somehow becomes worse. Back in the old days, we stayed put in one city, one town or even one small village. We chose a mate from the other kids we played with and married one of them. Surely there was some form on happiness in that, that security that you knew what the rest of your life would be like. Though I wont pretend like adultery did not happen, it certainly feels like it is more common today and not as frowned upon with the freedom of the internet that hides our activities online.
And does that not also this modern pursuit of a partner tie into the modern idea of having a career? With machines