The push factors can be devised into two factors. The first one is migrants move to Thailand from their origin state caused by political and ethnic oppression, violence or armed conflict, human right abuses and risk of persecution. These situations are often causes of mass movement. The last factor is poverty and the search for opportunities. Generally, the migrations from less developed countries (country of origin) to more developed countries (country of destination). In destination countries, migrants hope that will gain better than their country of origin. Under the economic migration can spread in two types. They are survival migrant (migrants leaving their country after related with the problem of unemployment and hardship of economic) and opportunity-seeking migrant (migrant leaving their country due to the scarcity of opportunities to enhance economic welfare and progress). For the survival migration can be accept any kind of job (unskilled job, low payment job and 3D job) because they don’t want to return to Burma’s problem and need to have income for their living. And that are reason for migrant are live and work in Thailand to gain the better income and better opportunities for their live and support their families. Pull factor
At firstly, Demand for (cheap) labor in Destination Countries is caused either by the labor shortages in economic or by socially undesirable job in the developed world. Even through, there is a shortage in labor supply, the employment receiving countries, is the employment receipt imposes restriction of on labor migration for variety of reasons. The social problems Lack of employment criminality government spreading of diseases like HIV or TB. Secondly, migration’s Networks are a process usually “migration, system, with Migrations problem often have social, ethic network”. The last one is about the globalization communications and transportation It has facilitated smugglers, traffickers and job brokers to expand