Undoubtedly, anyone who owns a public building or operates a business is already aware of the options for emergency exit devices, also known as push bars. This article will not cover the laws pertaining to emergency ingress and egress, but compliance to the codes about panic hardware is absolutely vital to the safety of the business owners, employees and customers. Moreover, the moral and legal ramifications of lack of compliance is far reaching.
Push bars are one important aspect of the Life and Safety Code. They are installed on exit doors, allowing quick and easy exiting of buildings. According to OSHA, there should be a continuous and unobstructed exit path leading to a safe place. This can be provided by push bars. They are …show more content…
They prevent entry from a door’s opposite side but ensure exit in case of emergency from the inner side. Many countries have legislation that require an exit alarm panic bar to be installed for safety purposes. The exit devices are horizontal metal bars that placed on outwards opening doors. When the door is pushed, the bar unlatches to allow for exit. Push bars are a necessity on nearly all fire and emergency exits. Their use is usually regulated by local building codes together with other responsible bodies. However, it is important to note that push bars vary in terms of location, and in order to properly function, they must be properly installed. Building owners should ensure that they follow the proper guidelines of installing this emergency exit device on commercial …show more content…
They are of utmost importance in fire situations in highly occupied buildings. Push bars require no expertise or previous experience to use, a feature that is very useful during panic as many people find it impossible to think clearly. It is important that they are properly installed, or have professional install them. Additionally, building owners should ensure that these exit devices follow all the regulations. Regular maintenance of these panic hardware is necessary to make sure they are functional. This is because a properly functioning push bar can make the difference between life and