2. The thing that I found most interesting was the company PWC itself. I think it is very interesting how PWC invents in people development and the options that the workers have in order to make the most out of their experience working at PWC. Omar Tariq explained how he has the opportunity to work all over the world for various periods of time and network with people from many different places. I also found it interesting that PWC works with some …show more content…
of the largest clients in the world. Another thing I found interesting was that Omar said that accounting could be a very team based environment to work in. The teams could range from three to thirty people.
3. I think that my interest stayed the same from before and after the presentation. My parents are both accountants so I am aware of many of the aspects of this job. I believe that this job is stable and could be interesting depending on the type of company you work for. I think this presentation helped me understand more about each area an accountant can work in and the opportunities that are available within each branch of accounting. I think that accounting is a good job to have and this presentation solidified it.
Something that I found to be interesting was how he explained that companies need to be audited in order to validate a company. Accounts are used to verify a lot of different aspects of businesses. This way people are able to trust that the statements a company releases about their finances are accurate. Another thing that I found interesting was how he explained how a tax account worked. I think it was really interesting how he said that the tax accountant finds ways to interpret tax laws to help the company keep the most money and to find loopholes. Tax accountants find ways to help benefit the company. I liked how he suggested that tax accountants make a lot of money and do not have to deal with people. I think that this was interesting because these are questions that some people may be thinking but are too afraid to …show more content…
I think that the speaker made being an accountant seem unappealing. I feel that he did not give a lot of interesting facts and only the basics, so I am not entirely sure if accounting is right for me. I think he only described the jobs that an accountant could have in a very informal, almost confusing way. This made is confusing and
The presentation left an impression on me because he was very unprepared. I think that this was a good learning experience. It gave me an understanding of how to behave in an uncomfortable situation or when someone gives a presentation that is boring and confusing. I also think it gave me a better understanding of what NOT to do when I have to give a presentation. I also felt really bad for him and I understand that it was last minute. I think this was also a good lesson that you need to expect the unexpected.