will quickly become fascinated. The Pyrenees serves as a border to both the french and Spanish provinces ( Pyrenees) . The two sides are structurally very different. The side to the Spanish providence is very rocky, but it has little cliffs that have formed waterfalls and is very green, while the french side is very steep, flat rock slide( XXxBelleSebastionXx). The Actual structure of the whole mountain is shocking. “ The Pyrenees mountains sit in a straight line, that is 270 miles long, the maximum width of the mountain is 80 miles, and the highest peak is 11,168 ft high”(Pyrenees). Still many people can not picture the size with numbers. So in relation to height, The Pyrenees mountains are little less than half the size of mount Everest. The descriptions above depict and explain why taking a trip to the Pyrenees Mountains would be amusing, because there’s nothing is like the Pyrenees.
A trip to the Pyrenees Mountains would be a trip that is worth your time, if planned carefully, because of the many other things you can do while near the Pyrenees Mountains. The ideal time the trip is in the month of July. The month of July offers two extravaganzas that world famous, and would excite almost anyone. The Running Of The Bulls, begins on July 6th and goes to the 14nth (Street). The running of the bulls takes place in Spain, and is a thrilling experience, where people run from the bulls. The next event is Tour De France. The tour actually has route on the Pyrenees mountains, held on July 12th and 13th (Street). And finally the train, Not only are the Pyrenees mountains, spectacular, they are home to the highest train track in Europe ( Pyrenees NP). Now you can see how to plan your trip and definitely make your trip to the Pyrenees Mountains, worth your time. After learning, and possibly visiting the Pyrenees Mountains, one may strike an interest in the dog that resembles the Pyrenees Mountains.
The Interpreted, Pyrenees dog is mainly used for a guard to protect farm animals. As divulged above, this dog resembles the actual Pyrenees Mountains, which the name was aspired from. The prodigious dog has 2 layers, or coats (Great Pyrenees). The fur is long, course and straight, that is white with hints of grey (Great Pyrenees). This resembles the face of the mountain, it’s white rock with tones of gray in it, and the Spanish side is additionally course while the french side is straight and flat. “ Their ears are triangular and flop downward” (Great Pyrenees). The triangular shape of the ears, represent the triangle shape of the mountain. The canine’s tail is extensive and spread out (Great Pyrenees). This depiction relates to the length and width of the base of the mountains. Learning about the astonishing features of this dog, will hopefully encourage you to take a trip to the Wondrous Pyrenees
Packing your bags yet? After reading this article you will see that, taking an expedition to the amazing Pyrenees Mountains will be an amusing, worthwhile, and an exhilarant trip because; there’s nothing like the Pyrenees, there are many other places to visit around the Mountains, also someone may become allure, because of a very interesting animal that is named after the Pyrenees and in some ways resembles the mountains. These mountains are very unique and stupefying. If you plan your trip during the right timing your trip will be full of divergent escapades, that will make your visit one to remember. As presented numerous times the Pyrenees Mountains are exceedingly vast. If you learn about the dog that stems from the Great Mountains, one’s eyes will open to see just how splendid this mountain range is. No matter how good you are, nobody can explain or give details of the profoundness, however one can discover the eminence for themselves by taking initiative and going out to the great Pyrenees.