At Fort Madison Community Hospital they are focus at continuing improving quality service and managing care within the facility. To do this they have to measure accurately by different methods of quality improvement strategies. The managers also have to look at information technology applications and use benchmarking, milestones to help manage quality improvement to have a more effective facility.
Quality Improvement Methodologies
Health care managers need to improve quality services in health organizations. To improve these quality services they have to use methods that are proven helpful in the QI process. For example, Six Sigma is used to display and measure quality improvement data. It is also used to measure improvement process. That is by comparison of the baseline process from the previous data and the process capability after piloting solutions for quality improvements (Hughes, n.d.). Within Six Sigma there are five phases which are, define, measure, analyze, improve and control it is also known as DMAIC approach (Hughes, n.d.). Define is the phase that defines the objective once the issue has been identified and the data has been collected. Measuring is to help determine how any new processes will be. Data then is analyzed including the plan and improvement. The pros to these tools is it allows the managers to control improvement of the processes that will allow it to be successful. Six Sigma uses think that is uses strong leadership and statistical thinking that accomplishes quality improvement (Joshi, Nash, Ransom & Ransom, 2008). Six Sigma might not always have useful skills in ways of prevention tools. It can lead to overspending and problems with fixing monetary problems.
Product improvement is a common method that is used by organizations. That reason is that production improvement is preferred by improving the product more and the product will produce more. Quality factors lead to patient satisfactions as the patients
References: Hughes, G.R., (n.d). Tools and strategies for quality improvement and patient safety Retrieved from providers/resources/nursing/resources/nurseshdbk/HughesR_QMBMP.pdf Jenkins, M. (2011, June 09). The value of benchmarking. Retrieved from Ransom, E. R., Joshi, M. S., Nash, D. B., & Ransom, S. B. (Eds.). (2008). The healthcare quality book: Vision, strategy, and tools. (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: health Administration Press. Six Sigma Academy, (2010). What is Six Sigma? Retrieved from: