The qizilbash, or Turkish followers that wore a distinctive red hat with twelve pleats, heartily accepted Safavid propaganda, which suggested that Ismail was himself the twelfth imam or even an incarnation of Allah.
The qizilbash believed that Ismail would make them invincible in battle, and they became devotedly loyal to the Safavid cause. During the Battle of Chaldiran in 1514, the qizilbash took the twelfth imam with them to war, in which they fought the Ottomans but suffered devastating casualties and lost some territory. Their loss led to the heavier dependence on the twelfth imam. The Safavid adoption of Twelver Shiism marked an important turning point in Muslim history, since the Safavid dynasty was one of the most important of the Persian dynasties, for it is considered the beginning of modern Persian