• Question B asks “How long have you worked for BIMS?” the data provided the survey responders with a range of two months to 328 mouths of service of service with BIMS. The range was a wide –ranging; however, BIMS survey respondents worked for the BIMS long enough to provide accurate responses and sufficiently answer the survey questions. The average of respondents represented 54 months that equals four and a half years.
• Question C asks “What is your gender.” This information represented that 37% of the responders were female and 63% were male.
• Question D asks, “Are you a manager or supervisor?” This information represented that 81% were on the responders worked in a position of non-management and only 15% of the respondents are managers or supervisors. This information shows that the largest responders of the survey were men and non-management. The majority of the responder’s responses to the initial survey questions results were (1) very negative and (2) negative. This represents that the work condition at BIMS is unsatisfactory to BIMS employees. Management needs to respond to this feedback by obtaining more participation in survey. A larger group of responders will assist management in obtaining a more accurate assessment of the way BIMS employees feel. BIMS management can accomplish the participation of employees by making the survey mandatory and holding the management team responsible for collecting the surveys from the employees under his or her direct supervision. In addition to gathering and examining the results of the