There is a wide variety of people in the world today who call themselves parents. A parent is one who cares more about a child than themselves. A parent is loyal and unselfish to their child’s needs and will push to the limit to make sure the child is taken care of properly. A parent is one to go out of their way to keep their child safe and out of harm’s way. There are many people out there who believe that they are a parent even though they have pawned their child off on someone else to raise. There are many qualifications for a person to be considered a true parent and each of these qualifications hold an importance. A person needs love to be qualified as a parent. A person needs stability and structure to be qualified as a parent. A person needs motivation to succeed to be qualified as a parent. A true parent does not have to try and make themselves love their child, the love comes natural. “Parents are generally not concerned for their children out of duty, but simply out of love; and the love, needless to say, is not a love of duty but a love of the children” (Haji, Ishtiyaque, and Stefaan E. Cuypers). A parent loves their child unconditionally because they want to, not because they have to. Love is an important qualification for a parent to have because love shows the child that they are truly cared for. Love is having the time for your child and giving them the affection they need to develop their own sense of love. A parent giving a child the love that the child desires builds a bond between the two. A child who is loved will depend more upon the parent knowing that the child will be taken care of always, just as though they will with stability. Stability and structure is also a necessity for a person to qualify as a parent. A child needs stability and structure both financially and emotionally with the parents. A stable and structured life financially can help the child be comfortable in one environment. A child should not be
Cited: Buri, John R. "Stability Of Parental Nurturance As A Salient Predictor Of Self-Esteem." (1991): ERIC. Web. 2 July 2013 Haji, Ishtiyaque, and Stefaan E. Cuypers. "Moral Responsibility, Love, And Authenticity." Journal Of Social Philosophy 36.1 (2005): 106-126. Academic Search Complete. Web. 2 July 2013. Salmela-Aro, Katariina. "Transition To Parenthood And Positive Parenting: Longitudinal And Intervention Approaches." European Journal Of Developmental Psychology 9.1 (2012): -32. Academic Search Complete. Web. 7 July 2013.