The topic I chose for this project was the link between domestic violence and substance abuse. From the research that I did, there is a definite link between domestic abuse and substance abuse. According to the National Coalition against domestic violence, "Regular alcohol abuse is one of the leading factors for intimate partner violence." Approximately 61% of domestic violence offenders also have substance abuse problems. Domestic violence is the use of intentional emotional, psychological, sexual, or physical force by one family member or partner to control another. These acts can include, verbal abuse, threats, physical abuse, sexual abuse, destroying the victim's possessions, slapping, punching, kicking, burning, stabbing, shooting, or killing the victim's. A woman is beaten every 15 SECONDS in the United States, 30% of female trauma patients have been the victim of domestic violence. The medical costs for women who have been injured by their partners total to more than 44 million annually. Researchers have found that one-fourth to one half of men who commit acts of domestic violence also have substance abuse issues. A study conducted by the "Department of Justice" of murders in families found that more than one half of defendants accused of murdering their spouses, as well as almost half of the victim's, had been drinking alcohol at the time of the incident. Alcohol and drugs may be used to cope with the physical, emotional, and/or psychological pain of family violence. "Regular alcohol abuse is one of the leading factors for intimate partner violence, also men who batter frequently use alcohol abuse as an excuse for their violence. They attempt to rid themselves of responsibility for their violence by blaming it on the effects of alcohol." (NCADV) The effects on children of substance abusing parents is also great, "Children of substance abusing parents are more likely to experience physical, sexual, or emotional abuse than children in non-substance abusing…