Research question: Does Athletics help a college student manage their time and excel academically?
Reference: Georgakis, S., Wilson, R., & Ferguson, J. (2014). The Academic Achievement of Elite Athletes at an Australian University: Debunking the Dumb Jock Syndrome. IJHE International Journal of Higher Education, 3(2). doi:10.5430/ijhe.v3n2p120
Purpose of study: The purpose of the study is to conclude how the university achievement of a cohort of college athletes was compared to the general university population. Another hypothesis used was how relative achievement academic of the university student athletes vary by gender, sport and whether or not they chose residential college accommodation.
How it applies to the research question: This study applies to the …show more content…
Methodology: The use of a mixed method of studies combing secondary data analysis of the University attainment data with an interview survey of students. The explanatory, sequential mixed methods design where quantitative analyses followed by qualitative research to provide a more in-depth explanation of the phenomena created by (Creswell & Clark, 2007).
Outcomes: Females perform better than males, with higher proportions in credit of distinction and high distinction grades. Athletes involved in soccer and Australian football have weaker academic performances than other athletics including hockey. EAP failures were more common in those who majored in engineering than those who had stronger academic performance being business, education or social work majors. EAP mean scores were significantly higher in Psychology P<0.5.
Limitations: The limitations of this article are it only focused on those student athletes involved in the Universities EAP program, and did not focus on the who population of student athletes at the