On thematic analysis and code development, Richard (1998) argue that the study on transforming qualitative information asserts that coding is necessary to reduce data to a manageable size as it is used in the analysis, interpretation, and presentation of a research.
Moreover, he added that researchers utilize this method to draw out meaning and make interpretations about a group in a body of work as it portrays similar characteristics and recurring theme in a text or movie. According to Tobacco Control Evaluation Center [TCEC], 2012 claimed that coding method also serves as a way to label, organize, and summarize what is happening in a data so that data collection and data interpretation becomes the basis for developing the analysis. Using this qualitative method, the researcher looked out for print screen of woman portrayal in the movie
that reveal any conflict in the status of women in the society in general with respect to gender role, as well as female gaze from a masculine point of