“ How could the iPhone 4s be improved?”
Research Objectives The aim of the research was to gain an insight into what hardware and software improvements that consumers believe should be made to the current model of the iPhone, the iPhone 4s.
Interview Protocol
Data Analysis All participants of the focus group were first asked if they own the current model of the iPhone. Three out of the five participants said that they currently own and use the iPhone 4s. The other two participants both currently own the iPhone 4, the predecessor to the iPhone 4s. Similarly, three out of five participants are currently on a plan and the other two participants were on a prepaid plan. When asked why they chose to purchase the iPhone 4s the participants gave a number of different reasons for this. One reasons that they all agreed upon was that they felt that the iPhone was the most reliable smart phone in the market, due to the fact that it has been around for the longest. All participants had also previously owned earlier models of the iPhone, so there was a level of familiarity and comfort with the product. Some participants also chose to purchase the product because “everyone else has got one”. All participants said that they went straight to iPhone, without doing any research on other brands. One participant said that “I just go to the shop and ask for an iPhone”. Finally the number of different applications offered by the iPhone was also a reason why some participants chose to purchase and continue to use the iPhone. Applicants were then asked to discusses what features, both hardware and software, that they liked about the iPhone. Features that were identified: the different types of applications; the quality of the camera; social networking (ie. Facebook and twitter); touch screen; and how easy the user interface of the phone is to use. When asked what they disliked about the iPhone, a number of different problems were identified by the group.