In The Art and Science of Leadership, Lisa Monroe states, “The job of a good leader is to articulate a vision that others are inspired to follow.” Vision tells an organization where it is going, it motivates, it elucidates and it focuses on the work of an organization for period of time (Nahavandi, 2006). Effective leaders require inspiring vision, based on the vision they set, a leader can either have a positive or a negative impact on the organization. Effective leaders empower and influence their co-workers. A negative example of an effective leader’s vision can be seen in the case with Enron. From the beginning Jeffery Skilling had a negative interest in the company by misleading his employees. One can say that the George Bush and Jeffery Skilling had a positive
References: Bates, S. (2002, March). Honesty, Empathy cited in Effective Leadership. HRMAGAZINE , 47 (3), p Capowski, G. (1994). Anatomy of a leader: where are the leaders of tomorrow? (American business leaders) Martinuzzi, B. (2006). What 's Empathy Got to Do With It? - Emotional Intelligence training from Nahavandi, A. (2006). The Art and Science of Leadership. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Ryan, J. (2009, April 29). Center for Creative Leadership - The Three Fundamentals of Effecctive Leadership Samad, D. S. (2009). The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Effective Leadership Among Managers in Malaysian Business Organizations Steve Jobs - The Comeback Kid. (2008, October 9). Retrieved Novemeber 10, 2010, from Entrepreneur: