Done by: Clement Gill 5R7 Mr. Edwin TABLE OF CONTENT
Description of business
The I-TEC Corporation is runned as a partnership of fifteen people. The numbers are important to guide the business to the right path of success. Ideas from each partner contribute to the growth of the business to new heights.
The objective of the business is to provide low cost computers. It was started to address the problems that the country was facing with the “up to date” technology. If a country doesn’t have access to computers, the citizens will not be able to know what is going on in foreign countries and will be classed as “stone age”.
Location: The business is located in Cul-de-sac which is not too far from the capitals town.
It is an ideal spot because of its accessibility to transportation. Vehicles can both leave and enter the capital without the extra cost. It is also close to the docks where the business imports different parts for the manufacturing of the computers. It is also a government incentive, meaning the land was cheaper if the business had to purchase its own land.
The type of labor needed is
Professional Management (1 for each sector of management)- to assist with the initial stability of the business also to check on production and marketing aspects.
Workers, It technicians, inspectors, etc(5 in each department). - to allow the business to be successful and to ensure that