Learning Objectives – Chapters 1-5, 11
Midterm Exam
Ch 1 – Introduction to Quality
Describe the evolution of quality from the early 20th century through the Japanese post-World War II, to the “Quality revolution” in the U.S. and elsewhere in the 1980’s through the early 21st Century. Identify the underlying forces to the ‘quality revolution’. Explain the role of the quality ‘gurus’ including Walter Shewhart, Joseph Juran, W. Edwards Deming
Early Twentieth Century
Inspection was the primary means of quality control during the first half of the twentieth century
Separate the planning function from execution function
Managers/engineers plan and supervisors/workers execute
Bell system was very popular up until this time
Production organizations created separate quality departments, lead upper managers to believe quality is responsibility of the quality department and turned focus to quantity/efficiency
Henry Ford developed “total quality practices” once he visited Japan in 1982
Japanese constantly referred to “the book” which had become Japan’s industrial bible and helped Ford Motor Company realize how it had strayed from principles over the years
Walter Shewhart
Western Electric Group leader
Created era of statistical quality control (SQC), application of statistical methods for controlling quality
Goes beyond inspection to focus on identifying/eliminating problems that cause defects
Used by military in WWII to determine quality standards for suppliers
Post-World War II
Large shortage of civilian goods in the US made production a top priority
Most companies still thought of quality for a specialist, used mass inspection
Dr. Joseph Juran and Dr. Edwards Deming
Introduced statistical quality control techniques to the Japanese post-WWII
Significant part of educational activity was focused on upper management rather than quality specialists alone
Got support of top management to integrate quality