Quality Management Assessment Summary
The Washington County Mental Health Authority has hired me as a consultant to help assess their current status. My main focus will be quality assessment and the measures that will be used to assess quality outcomes within the organization. I will provide the key steps in identifying and how to manage the quality care within the organization. In additional, I will provide the terminology and why the organization uses this type. All decision-making will be well-planned and once the plan is implemented it will be an ongoing process of much needed improvements. This summary will provide the organization with the qualities that were identified that might affect the organization and stakeholders. As the consultant, I will summarize an outline of long-term and short-term goals that will benefit the organization to success. In additional, this summary will describe the purpose for quality and risk management relating to performance management in mental health care organizations.
Quality management is a vital key in mental health organizations toward their success. Some of the important aspects of quality management in mental health organizations are patient safety and satisfaction, proper training of the staff, financial truthfulness, proper communication skills, and periodical meetings to keep employees up-to-date. Any functions of quality management will work together if all employees are on the same page and use the most important goals of patient safety and satisfaction. The methodology technique used for my research was a qualitative method to help summarize the quality management issues and conflicts with the organization.
Quality is a measurement if services increase the possibility of anticipated mental health outcome and are reliable with up-to-date evidence- based practice. One must keep in mind the perspective of a person with a mental disorder, the quality ensures he or she
References: Addington, D., Kyle, T., Desai, S., & Wang, J. (2010). Facilitators and barriers to implementing quality measurement in primary mental health care: Systematic review. Canadian Family Physician Médecin De Famille Canadien, 56(12), 1322-1331. Nolan, E., & Hewison, A. (2008). Teamwork in primary care mental health: a policy analysis. Journal Of Nursing Management, 16(6), 649-661. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2934.2007.00766.x Sollectito, W. A. (2013) McLaughlin and Kaluzny’s Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care, 4E ISBN-97807637781545 from University of Phoenix Course Material. Quality and Total Quality Management (2013) Reference for Business: Encyclopedia of Business, 2nd ed. Retrieved from www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Pr-Sa/Quality-and-Total-Quality-Management.html