Students number : 2056953L
Study abroad Year Class F
26 November 2012
The Language Centre
EFL Unit
University of Glasgow
This essay will discuss about term Quality of Life. People try captured essential qualities of a proper society and the right life across time and cultures. Discussion will focus on the areas such as measurement, expectation from life and freedom of choice. However there is many external sensations which shape view and thinking about quality of life. Determine how quality is life personalities in a society are based on many various indicators.
Quality of life is universal connect with welfare of individuals in societies. It means satisfaction people with their lives and what conditions provide society for satisfaction of needs. Reward may be dividing into emotional, mental and physical satisfaction. People in society desire achieve “good life” for millennia. Primarily concept quality of life according Derek ( 2009), is based on standard indicators such as healthcare, politics, satisfaction of population, standard of living, environment and social coexistence including the fields of international development. There are three major philosophical approaches to determining it, (Brock in Diener et al. 1997). The first approach describes characteristics of the good life based for example on religious, philosophical, or other system. It is most clearly related to the social indicators tradition in the social sciences. The second approach is based on the satisfaction of people and on the fullfilment of their wishes. Definition of the quality of life of a society is based on whether the people can obtain things according their individual desires that will most improve their quality of life. The third definition of quality of life is based in feelings and experience of individuals.