Quantitative Research Critique By Elisabeth Bryant
A Paper Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for NU 533 Advanced Nursing Research University of South Alabama College of Nursing Spring 2011
2 Quantitative Research Critique
This is a critique of the quantitative research article titled Influence of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes on Gluconeogenesis and Glucose Output in Humans studied by Amelia Gastaldelli, Simona Baldi, Maura Pettiti, Elana Tischi, Stefania Camastra, Andrea Natali, Bernard R. Landau and Ele Ferrannini. This article was published in the journal Diabetes in 2000 volume 49 issue 8 pages 1367-1373. Purpose, PICO and Level of Evidence The investigators wanted to study individuals who were obese and those who had type II diabetes to determine the percentage of gluconeogenesis to glucose release and how it is related to the degree of obesity and diabetes. This was done due to the lack of research on how factors such as sex, age, obesity and degree of glycemic control effect gluconeogenesis. The experiment was conducted with a control group of individuals that were not considered obese or diabetic. The investigators found that plasma glucagon levels were higher in diabetic participants and these results were positively related to endogenous glucose output. They also found that obese patients had higher levels of plasma insulin that was not related to fluxes in glucose. Research Design and Method The investigators used experimental design to answer the study question. First, they had the participants drink a predetermined amount of water with a tracer added to it. This methodology was mentioned as a possible area of controversy later in the article. Secondly, the individuals fasted overnight. After the fast, the participants came to the hospital where the experiment was being conducted by 9 am. Here indwelling venous catheters were placed in both arms. One
References: Boswell, C., & Cannon, S. (2011). Introduction to nursing research (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Barlett. Gastaldelli, A., Balsi, S., Pettiti, M., Toschi, E., Camastra, S., Natali, A., Landau, B. and Ferrannini, E., Influence of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes on Gluconeogenesis and Glucose Output in Humans: A Quantitative Study. Diabetes August 2000 49:1367-1373; doi:10.2337/diabetes.49.8.1367