Sales Force Survey
Respondent number: 01
1. Are you male or female? (1) Male (2) Female
2. What is the name of your employer? (1) Jones and Sons (2) Smith and Company (3) Tomkins
3. In which area of the country do you work? (1) North (2) South
4. Please circle your response to the following three questions, using the following scale: 1 “strongly agree” 2 “agree” 3 “uncertain” 4 “disagree” 5 “strongly disagree”
4a) In general I enjoy my job 1 2 3 ④ 5
4b) In my company, hard work gets rewards 1 2 3 4 ⑤
4c) I often wish I was doing a different job ① 2 3 4 5
5. How many customers did you visit last month? 43
6. What was your total sales value last month? 3450.60___
7. What was your total sales value this month? 4628.90___
8. Enter the date you started working for your present employer: _1_ _6__ _88__
Codebook for sales_force_survey.sav
|Full variable name |SPSS variable|Coding instructions |
| |name | |
|Identification number |id |Subject identification number |
|Sex |sex |1 = males; 2 = females |
|Employer |empl |1 = Jones and Sons; 2 = Smith and Company; 3 = Tomkins |
|Area |area |1 = North; 2 = South |
|Job satisfaction |att1 |1=strongly agree, 5=strongly disagree |
|Equity |att2 |1=strongly agree, 5=strongly disagree