“What grade do I deserve?” I really hate this question because I am never sure of what to say or what my professor want me to say. Am I supposed to be super humble and shoot low or should I say that I deserve better? I really am not sure. Am I really worthy if a high grade? Are my efforts and hard work enough for me to gain a satisfying grade? These are the questions that I kept on asking myself almost all the time. When it comes to studies, I am dead serious. My studies are my number one priority. Studies first before anything else. I know I study hard and I always give my best in everything that I do, in every quiz and exam that I take, in every performance
“What grade do I deserve?” I really hate this question because I am never sure of what to say or what my professor want me to say. Am I supposed to be super humble and shoot low or should I say that I deserve better? I really am not sure. Am I really worthy if a high grade? Are my efforts and hard work enough for me to gain a satisfying grade? These are the questions that I kept on asking myself almost all the time. When it comes to studies, I am dead serious. My studies are my number one priority. Studies first before anything else. I know I study hard and I always give my best in everything that I do, in every quiz and exam that I take, in every performance