Held (L’Heureux‑Dubé J. dissenting): The appeal should be dismissed.
Per Lamer C.J. and La Forest,
In case 11, A Laid-Off Glass Worker, the Union has filed a grievance against the Company for allegedly violating the Labor Agreement in regards to Ronald Petrie. In this case after Mr. Petrie was laid off the remaining employees in the Glass Department worked overtime and temporary transfers were utilized in the department without calling Mr. Petrie back to his position. The overtime and use of temporary transfers went on for approximately three to four months. It is the Union’s opinion in this case that the Company should have acknowledged the fact that a position was open or needed; and the Company should have called Mr. Petrie back to his position.…
Walsh, D. J. (2010). Employment Law for Human Resource Practice: 2010 custom edition (3rd Ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.…
The legal issue in this case of Davis v.The Board of county Commissioners of Dona County was, Plaintiff Jacqueline (Davis) file a case against her employer The Board of County Commissioners of Dona Ana County. On February 27 ,2004 ,Davis [ a paralegal ] filed a lawsuit under the Federal Fair Labor Standards Acts (FLSA ).Claiming her employer failure to pay her for overtime work during lunch time and rest period and for other work exceeding eight hours a day and 40 hours a week as well as denial of rest and meal periods. On August 1, 2002, O’Melveny adopted and binding arbitration of most employment-related claims by and against its employees.…
In this case, employees from Store 58 were notified of a union meeting to discuss joining a union and than had the option to sign an application for membership if they chose to do so. The employees have the respective right to organize and seek certification by the various ULP provisions by the Labour Relations Act. When the employees have participated in a trade union discussion, they would than have a right to sign an agreement to join the union, keeping in mind that the employees are not forced to sign any agreement. The unions obligation in this case, is to file for direct certification and to organize a campaign for the employees. If the board approves the certification, the union would than have the right to bargain with the employer on behalf of the employees within the bargaining unit and to enter into a collective agreement setting out the terms and conditions of the employment. The union also has the duty and responsibility to represent those employees that are in the bargaining unit in the manner which isn’t arbitrary, discriminating, or in bad faith whether or not employees have joined the union. The employers in this case, have the obligation and the right to mange their workplace as needed, however, it is their role to run the business…
The court began by stating the even when an employee spends less than 50% of his time on management, as the plaintiffs claim they did, management might still be the employee’s primary duty if certain factors support that conclusion. The factors were 1) the relative importance of managerial duties compared to other duties; 2) the frequency with which the employee makes discretionary decisions; 3) the employee’s relative freedom from supervision; and 4) the relationship between the employee’s salary and the wages paid to employees who perform relevant non-exempt work.…
In this article it talked about how the Ontario Superior Court of Justice permitted the Toronto Transit Commission to continue with actualizing arbitrary medication and liquor testing of wellbeing delicate representatives, pending the result of a continuous intervention. The choice, finding for the business, is an uncommon and essential case on the issue of arbitrary working environment medication and liquor testing, which had been seen as displaying a high obstacle for bosses. Chief Justice F.N. Marrocco held that the candidate union would not endure unsalvageable mischief if testing proceeds, pending the result of a discretion over the issue, and in this manner expelled the union's application for an order.…
Walsh, D. J. (2010). Employment law for human resource practice: 2010 custom edition (3rd ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning…
(a) It shall be an unlawfulemploymentpractice for an employer(1) to fail or refuse to hire or to dischargeany individual,or otherwiseto discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation,terms, conditions, or…
Walsh, D. J. (2010). Employment law for human resource practice: 2010 custom edition (3rd Ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning…
5th Edition, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Retrieved April 1, 2007, from University of Phoenix, Resource, MGT434-Employment Law…
Many people believe that the decision for Ricci v. DeStefano added to the confusion and misunderstandings of Affirmative Action as well as the Civil Rights Act of 1991 and disparate-impact discrimination. This case has been looked at as a reverse discrimination case, and although some observers feel it was a needed decision for reverse discrimination, others feel that it will only make things more difficult for employers who want to protect themselves from liability under Title VII.…
Plaintiff was a fire fighter for the City of Providence from 1992 to June 30, 1995. Plaintiff filed a five count complaint asserting hostile work environment and R.I. Gen. Law 28-5-24.1 (Rhode Island Fair Employment Practices Act); and disparate treatment. She also alleged violation of her equal rights and sought damages pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1983.…
Employment and Industrial Relations Law Notes Employment and Industrial Relations Law Notes – S1/2007 Table of Contents Topic 1 – Australian Labour Laws .................................................................................................. 6 What are labour laws? ......................................................................................................................…
This paper will outline a complaint process and illustrate the civil litigation that could follow if the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, through mediation and arbitration cannot resolve a charge. The complaint is based on a scenario of an employee, named John. John works for a private sector business and he wishes to lodge a complaint of discrimination against the company he works for. This paper will explain the steps that are taken, from the beginning with the (EEOC), Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The paper will continue explaining the process by illustrating the civil litigation steps from the state level to the highest level of the United States Supreme Courts.…
4 De Plevitz, L. ‘Dependent contractors: can the test from Stevens v Brodribb protect workers who are quasi-employees?’ (1997) 13 Queensland University of Technology Law Journal 263-275…