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Queen Elizabeth

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Queen Elizabeth
In 1588, Queen Elizabeth I of England made a speech to her troops to prevent invasion from the King of Spain. She uses different language to show what she wants to tell to her troops, which in this case is to motivate them to fight for their kingdom. From the speech, the reader could result that Queen Elizabeth I is encouraging her troop to fight for her kingdom. By using repetition, she motivates her troop; she says "to lay down for my God, and for my kingdom, and my people, my honor, and my blood", which shows that she is willing to give up herself so should her troop. Also, she uses pronoun such as "we, I, my, me, and us" repeatedly throughout the speech. At first, she says, "we have been persuaded" but later she starts to say "I have placed my chiefest strength". She goes from we to I to show that she is equating herself with England itself. Queen Elizabeth inspires her people with nationalism and by using ethos. Because she is known as the Queen Elizabeth, she builds in credibility by saying that she is a weak and feeble woman but "have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too", which shows that she has the guts to fight back "any prince of Europe", with her characteristics of a king. Not only she uses ethos, but also nationalism. "I myself will take up arms, I myself will be your general, judge, and rewarder of every one of your virtues in the field." Through this, the readers understand that people are encouraged to be in the army and fight for their land and kingdom. Through Queen Elizabeth I's authority and patriotism, she motivates her people. Queen Elizabeth uses various language to achieve her purpose of her speech. She puts herself with the people and equate herself to them. The reader of this speech could identify the theme of nationalism as he or she reads the passage.

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