Queensland Rainforest Resort is a unique and well-established resort but the current changes have downgraded its status and caused the loss of loyal costumers. The main issues impacting QRR deal with management and information system problems. When QRR decided to upgrade their information system by outsourcing with CibCo they ultimately caused more harm and good. The backdoor CibCo left open in the program allowed information to leak and enables any knowledgeable outsiders to easily access any costumer’s information. As a result QRR is held directly responsible for the identity theft Spencer Benjamin suffered. The problem goes beyond the open the backdoor, the newly implement information system has several key faults: the online registration and reservation system, restaurant orders, credit card transactions and emails. In addition there is a slow pay-roll system, which lowers employment-job satisfaction.
The information technology director, Peter Myers, brings a whole new problem to the company. His lack of management skills and unethical decisions has exacerbated the technological problem. Myers’ decision when Jody Antopolis informs him of the backdoor reflects the lack importance he gives to costumer safety and brings out his ignorance towards issues QRR is facing. Although it was a good choice to upgrade the information system, unless it is properly maintained and managed it is prone to fail and be destructive. Myers also has to figure out how to effectively monitor the productivity of the employees in an ethical manner. Employees were previously informed of the QRR computer acceptable use policy, but as reports show employees are using the Internet for recreational purposes lowering the productivity of GRR. Myers must accept problems and work to deal with them or QRR must change their management.
GRR faces a huge problem: some of the people working in their staff are highly unethical. The marketing director, Martha Hines wants