What’s the probability that an individual, selected at random, will score below the mean on any normally distributed characteristic?
Student Answer:
p = 0
p = .1
p = .5
p = 1.0 Instructor Explanation:
Found in section 3.1, A Primer in Probability.
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Question 2.
Question :
Turning raw scores into z scores does not ____________.
Student Answer:
allow for scores from different tests to be compared directly
create a common distribution where the mean is 0
create a common distribution where the standard deviation is 1.0
make the data involved in the transformation normal Instructor Explanation:
Found in section 3.2, The Standard Normal Distribution.
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Question 3.
Question :
In a distribution for which the mean is 25 and the standard deviation is 5, what percentage of all scores occur at 30 or below?
Student Answer:
84.13% Instructor Explanation:
Found in section 3.2, The Standard Normal Distribution.
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Question 4.
Question :
A distribution where the mean and standard deviation have pre-determined values calls for ________.
Student Answer:
raw scores
z scores
modified standard scores
percentile rankings Instructor Explanation:
Found in section 3.5, Working Backward from z.
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Question 5.
Question :
How does one-sample t compensate for the risk in estimating parameters?
Student Answer:
With more stringent requirements for data scale
With a lower level of allowed decision errors
With larger sample sizes
With a scale of critical values Instructor Explanation:
Found in section 5.2, The One-Sample t-Test.
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Question 6.
Question :
The distribution of sample means refers to _______________.
Student Answer:
an array of sample