The Star physical network
2. Define "networking standard"
The details of what a networking topology does and how it does it
3. "De facto standards"
No particular standards, they are established as a matter of practice
4. About how many bytes are in a kilobyte (KB)
1000 bytes
5. Convert to decimal "00101011"
6. A single hexadecimal digit is equivalent to ______ binary digits
7. How are "Voice Communications" converted to digital signals
By being broken into very small samples, and then binary values are assigned to them
8. How are "video files compressed"
Taking a standard video and storing it in a smaller video file
9. What part identifies the protocol being used http
10. The internet core comprises of
Many separate networks, some small some large
11. What is designed to specifically manage computer peripheral devices
Device driver
12. Why is the TCP/IP model divided into layers
To make it easier to understand how networks work, write protocols for networks, and to create standards for networks
13. Why is the TCP/IP considered an "open" network model
It is not owned by any specific organization and shares details of how it works with all
14. The function of a Routers in networking is to
Move data between separate LAN's, often by linking them to WAN lines in a network
15. What is "Encapsulation"
A way to address data to cross over any type of network link
16. In TCP/IP networks, each devices needs neither an _________or an __________ to be able to transmit or recevie data. This is handled simply by the NIC Card
IP address
17. The address is an example of
An IP Address
18. Define The Physical Layer of TCP/IP model
Anything that is used to transmit bits over a single physical connection
19. What is the benefit of having the Wi-Fi Alliance's input on how wireless devices