Let me start this in lighter vein. A board displayed on speaker’s subject went like this – “Want to know about hell, please do come and listen to Mr. T K Mohan presenting it to you today”. Hope the same meaning is not conveyed to what I’m presenting to you and I sincerely trust and believe you will enjoy my presentation on Attitude.
What attitude means?
The simple meaning of attitude is “Settled behaviour”. Here comes another question. If it is settled behaviour why it is so important and treated as the foremost characteristic in modern Personality Development. Attitude is a mixture of belief, feelings, values, decision making, execution and planning in complex manner and action being done in a patterned way.
Attitude and character :-
The Albert Einstein the greatest scientist has given the opinion that “Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character”. Another Scientist Thomas Alwa Edison had the attitude to admit he has failed more times to invent bulb but had the courage to say “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work”. That was his attitude towards failure which made him very strong and was the reason behind his success.
The man who laughs last laughs longer is a very famous proverb in English. Everyone who wants to win has to remember this. The success is not determined on how many failures you had, it is determined on whether you have successfully converted the failures into success. This is being very correctly quoted by Darch E Gibbons – “Success is just a matter of attitude”
It is all in your hands - The Birbal Story :-
Let me tell you a story. This is a real incident happened between Akbar and Birbal.
The ministers of Akbar were envious on Birbal. They thought Birbal was not as intelligent as the King thinks. They wanted Birbal to be eliminated