1. Name the main constituents of the Indian Parliament.
2.Who can increase the number of judges of the Supreme Court?
3.What is meant by the original jurisdiction of the High Court?
4.Who administers the oath of office to the High Court judges?
5.Mention one reason why Lok Adalats have become popular?
6.Mention one situation when both the houses of Parliament meet for a joint session.
7.Mr. Gurudev was nominated by the President to the Rajya Sabha.Mention any one criterion on which the President would have nominated him.
8.State one difference between the election of the President and the Vice-President of India.
9.State one point of difference between the Cabinet and the Council of Ministers with reference to their responsibilities. 10.What happens to the ruling government when a vote of no-confidence is passed against it?
11.What is meant by the term ‘Judicial Review’?
12.Why is the Constitution said to be the ‘Guardian of the Constitution’?
13.Mention the three types of courts that a district usually has.
14.Explain the term ‘Quorum’.
15.When can ordinances be issued by the President?
16. Mr. Konar was not found eligible for the election as the Vice-President of India even though he had the qualifications of being a citizen of India and not being a member of the Parliament. On what grounds was he disqualified?
17.What does the term ‘Collective Responsibility of the Council of Ministers’ imply?
18.What is understood by the Revisory Jurisdiction of the high Court?
19.Which is the highest court dealing with criminal cases at the district level?
20.Mention one advantage of the LokSabha.
21.What is Universal adult Franchise?
22.What is the term of office of a RajyaSabha member?
23.Who administers the oath of office to the President of India?Mention one difference in the election of the
LokSabha and RajyaSabha members as far as the electorate is concerned.
24.Under what circumstances can the salaries of the Judges