
Question Chapters 1 5

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Question Chapters 1 5
Chapter 3
1) What levels of meaning can be found in Genesis 1.1-2.4a?
This section of the bible explains about Genesis is the book of ‘beginnings’ because the the lines of the opening words are literally translated to “In the beginning of God’s creating.” The first chapter of Genesis therefore rightly contains an account of the creation of the world in ‘six’ stages or days and on the seventh day he rested, which is called “Sabbath”.
2) What are the similarities and differences between the biblical and the Babylonian presentation of cosmic beginnings?
There are two main differences between Genesis and Babylonian stories. First, in Genesis, there is only one God whereas in Babylonian texts, there are different gods, and each god is specific for a different “reality”. Second, in Genesis, humans are created to dominate the earth and control the living system but in Babylonian texts, humans are created to carry gods’ jobs so that god is no longer required to work. Nevertheless there are more similarities than differences. Both texts are an explanation of cosmic begins, they explain the reality before the creation of the universe, like for example the mythological stories of the battles between gods. Both text also include the divine of council and the series of birth generations. 3) What levels of meaning can be found in Genesis 2.4b-3.24?
Genesis 2.4b-3.24 explains about the creation and describes the Garden of Eden along the events that occur inside such Garden. God plants a garden in Eden, briefly describing the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. However this part is focused on the creation of the persons. It explain the creation of Adam, meaning “humankind” in Hebrew. In Genesis 2.23, God puts the man in a deep sleep and from his rib bone make the woman. This may be understood as females come from the male and indicates the possibility of heterosexual attraction between them.
4) Compare the two accounts of creation in Genesis 1-3. What

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