Question-2: what are the advantages and disadvantages of Ya Kun’s hiring part-time workers? Ans: Advantages that can be occurred are given bellow:
1. Filling the gap of permanent workers
2. Maintaining the running performance
3. Selecting suitable permanent workers Disadvantages that can be occurred are given bellow:
1. Higher cost
2. Unqualified workers
3. Lack of coping with environment
4. Lack of devotion to work
Question-3: a good attitude and commitment are two important attributes that Ya Kun looks for in its job applicants. Is a job interview an effective method to assess these two attributes? What else can Ya Kun do to get reliable information on these two attributes? Ans: No, a job interview is not an effective method to assess a good attitude and commitment among the workers. Ya Kun can apply the following method to get reliable information on these two attributes:
1. Observation: an employee when work in the factory can be observed how much they are committed to work and their attitudes.
2. Background analysis: we can also find reliable information by analyzing one’s background information where one worked before.
Question-4: what suggestion would you make to Ya Kun to improve its recruiting process?
Ans: We can suggest Ya Kun for improving its recruiting process which are given bellow:
1. Rehiring former employee to the full-time
2. From internal sources
3. From internee workers.