What is the purpose of using ointment for you?
_____to heal or to sooth skin
_____to heat the skin
_____to avoid insect bites
How effective is your ointment?
_____not effective
_____very effective
How often do you buy your ointment?
What is the type of your ointment?
_____insect bite removal
_____wound healer
What is the common prize of your ointment?
_____less than 100 pesos
_____more than 150 pesos
_____350 and above
How often do you apply the ointment in the skin?
What odor of the ointment do you like?
On how many days does the ointment effect on the wound or rushes?
_____one day
_____two day
_____three days
How many ointments does you buy in one month?
On what time you are using the ointment?
_____every morning
_____every noon
_____every evening
Cover letter
Dear Mr. Winefred M. Sescar, Please be informed that we are conducting a study entitled “The effectiveness of ALOECONA Ointment to the other commercial products” on the teaching of Bansud National High School-Regional Science High School for Region IV MIMAROPA at Pag-asa, Bansud Oriental Mindoro. We have constructed a questionnaire to gather information for our study. Kindly answer the questionnaire and return it to us using the enclosed stamp, reurm the envelope by March 10, 2014. Please be sure that your anonymity and the information you will give us is accurate and correct. Thank you very much for your very kind response to our request and if you are interested, we will supply you with the results of our study.
Very Sincerely yours,
Winalene Joy E. Sescar Tabitha Gen C. Mangoba Edrick R.