Dear Respondents
We, the students of BM2464C are carrying out a survey on social networking activities among students of UiTM Malacca City Campus. This report is to fulfil the partial requirement of the BEL422 subject. Please answer the questionnaire sincerely and all information given will be treated as confidential.
Adam Aziz bin Muhamed Nasir (2012869682)
Mohd Razis bin Sipon (2012203904)
Nurul Izzati Syazwan binti Mohamad Sakri (2011735671)
We thank you for your cooperation.
Section A: Please provide your personal information in this section.
Gender : Male Female
Programme :
Part :
Section B: Please tick ( ) only ONE answer to best answer the questions below.
1. On a scale of 1 to 10 (0 being the least addicted and 10 being the most addicted), please rank your level of addiction in using social networking sites.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2. How frequent do you access the social networking sites? Once a day
Once a week
Several times a day
Several times a week
3. Which social networking sites do you use the most?
Others (please specify):
4. What type of gadget or electronic device are you using for social networking?
Mobile phones
Laptop / Desktop
Others (please specify):
5. When do you usually access the social networking sites?
In the classroom
While having meals
During leisure time
While studying / Doing assignments
6. How long have you been social networking sites?
1 year to 2 years
3 years to 4 years
5 years to 6 years
7 years to 8 years
7. What are the kinds of social networking sites do you visit the most?
Chat / Blogging
Music / Entertainment
8. Who influenced you to use social networking sites?
Own self