We are conducting this survey to obtain your opinion about vertical expansion and your preferences whether to live in multi-storey building or individual houses. The given questionnaire contains questions regarding personal information, behavior and opinion. It is asked that before filling the questionnaire read it thoroughly and feel free to ask any question regarding the information asked. However, you could quit at any time during the filling of information if you feel uncomfortable. All the information collected through this survey will remain confidential and no record will be kept after analysis. So collected information will only be used for academic purpose and will not be passed on to others.
Signature: _______________________
Date: _______________________
Prepared by:
Iqra Nadeem Anjum
Faiza Hafeez
Sustainable Development Study Center
Government College University, Lahore
1: Name: _____________________
2: Age:
a) 15-20 b) 20-25 c) 25-30 d) 30-35 e) 35 and above
3: Gender:
a) Male b) Female
4: Address: ________________________________________________________________
5: Occupation:
a) Student b) Private Business c) Private Service d) Government Service
e) House wife f) Other (Please Specify) _______________________________________
6: Education:
a) Intermediate b) Graduate c) Masters d) Subject Specialist e) Matriculation or Below
7: Family Type:
a) Single b) Joint
8: Family Size:
a) 2-4 b) 4-8 c) 8 or above
9: Number of family members who earn and what is their occupation: ___________________
10: Monthly Expenses of:
Food ________________________
Electricity ________________________
Water ________________________
Gas ________________________
Recreation ________________________
Education ________________________
Health ________________________