Please tick ( / ) your answer.
Gender : Male Female Race : Malay Chinese Indian
Course : Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Accounting
CGPA : 4.00 3.00 – 3.99 2.00 – 2.99 Below 2.00 *Note : 1 : Totally agree , 2 : Agree , 3 : Disagree , 4 : Totally disagree
Objective 1 : To identify why students preferred to be in a relationship while studying.
No | Questions | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 1 | I feel lonely when I am single. So, I choose to be in a relationship. | | | | | 2 | If I have a problem I preferred to share it with him/her. | | | | | 3 | I feel jealous towards my friends who are having a relationship. | | | | | 4 | My examination result will be more excellent when having a relationship. | | | | | 5 | I’m in a relationship while studying just for fun. | | | | | 6 | Besides my friends, I need someone special to guide me in studies | | | | | 7 | Being in a relationship is a trend nowadays | | | | |
Objective 2 : To compare whether being in a relationship give advantages or disadvantages to student’s performance.
No | Questions | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 1 | I often think about him/her when lecturers are teaching | | | | | 2 | I feel more determined to study after being in a relationship | | | | | 3 | We always help one another in study. | | | | | 4 | I often text him/her while studying. | | | | | 5 | I use my allowance to buy gift for him/her. | | | | | 6 | I think it is not a waste to spend my money for him/her. | | | | | 7 | I can concentrate 100% when studying with him/her. | | | | | 8 | I think my study performance decline because of love. | | | | |
Objective 3