Name: _____________________
Designation: _____________________
Date: _____________________
We, the student of M.COM (PREVIOUS) , dept. of Commerce, Karachi University are conducting a practical research on “Pharmaceutical Sector”. In this you are requested to fill out the following questionnaire. We assure you that all the information provided would strictly be used for academic purpose only.
1. You are related with the field of: a. Pharmacy b. Doctor c. Nurse d. other
2. Your gender: a. Male b. Female 3. Your working experience in year:
a. Under 1 b. 1-3 c. 4-6 d. 7-10 4. Are you aware about the current condition of Efroze Chemical Industies Pvt. Ltd.? a. YES b. NO
5. Do you think that pharmaceutical sector facing difficulties?
A .Strongly agree b. agree c. slightly agree d. disagree
6. Do you prefer the medicines of multinational companies rather than National pharmaceutical companies?
A .Strongly agree b. agree c. slightly agree d. disagree
7. Do you accept that the Low quality input used affect pharmaceutical sector?
A .Strongly agree b. agree c. slightly agree d. disagree
8. Is the increasing cost of electricity make problems in pharmaceutical sector?
A .Strongly agree b. agree c. slightly agree d. disagree
9. In your opinion the lack of quality control facilities results in low quality product?
A .Strongly agree b. agree c. slightly agree d. disagree
10. Do you agree that research and modernization is the backbone of pharmaceutical sector?
a. Strongly agree b. agree c. slightly agree d. disagree 12..In your opinion the low quality of product is due to lack of research And modernization? a. Strongly agree b. agree c. slightly agree d. disagree 13.Do you think that the negative publicity of media about pharmaceutical sector shaken consumer confidence?