We are from Diploma Business Study (BM111) students. Our objective is to collect the information about “the migration of the Thailand’s influence the food culture in Perlis” for Business Communication subject. Your response and information will be kept strictly confidential. Thank you for your cooperation to answer this question. 1. Gender Jantina Male Female Lelaki Perempuan 2. The respondents The public Thailand workers Tourist UiTM student Umum pekerja Thailand pelancong pelajar UiTM
Please fill the most appropriate responses for you in respect of the following items: 1. Are you Perlis natives?
Anda berasal dari Perlis? Yes No Ya Tidak 2. Do you think Perlis population is dominated by Thailand?
Adakah anda terfikir bahawa populasi di Perlis didominasi oleh penduduk Thailand? Yes No Ya Tidak
3. Is it Perlis food influenced by Thailand’s?
Adakah makanan di Perlis dipengaruhi oleh makanan Thailand? Yes No Ya Tidak
4. Is easy to find Thailand food in Perlis?
Adakah mudah menjumpai makanan Thailand di Perlis? Very easy Easy Moderate Difficult Very difficult Sangat mudah Mudah Sederhana Susah Sangat susah
5. Do you feel easy to obtain employment in Perlis?
Adakah anda merasakan mudah memperoleh pekerjaan di Perlis? Very easy