The motive of this questionnaire is simply to do a thorough research and detailed review on the behavioural analysis of different users towards Facebook. This questionnaire has 4 sections. Each section has sets of options to choose from. Instructions are provided for each section. Personal details |
Please tick (√) one answer only.
* Male * Female
Age group * 17-20 * 21-24 * 25-28 * 29 years and above
Please specify your profession * Student * Employee * Self-employed * Others (please specify: _________________________________________)
How many hours do you normally spent on the internet daily? * Less than an hour * More than an hour * 5- 6 hours * 6-12 hours * Depends on my mood
How long have you been engaging on ANY social networking sites? * Less than a year * 1-2 years * 3-5 years * 6-10 years * More than 10 years
How did you come to know/heard of Facebook? * Friends * Email Invites * Websites that have Facbook links * I’m not sure, it just became an in-thing to join * Others (please specify:_________________________________________________)
How long have you been a member of Facebook? * Less than a year * 1-2 years * 3-5 years * Ever since it hit the mainstream in 2002
How often do you log in to your Facebook in a day? * Once * 2-3 times * 4-5 times * 6-10 times * I lost count, too many times
Facebook Usage |
Please rank your top three choices. (1=first choice, 2=second choice, and 3=third choice) 1. Based on the following activities, which do you perform most on Facebook? * Play games * Chat via Facebook chat/ Message friends * Poke/Nudge friends for fun * Share videos/links of interesting site * To post an opinion/a thought/statement * Date online/Look for singles * Take a survey/quiz on friends * View interesting items to