1. How effective does work an agreement between the State Bank of Vietnam and the Bank of Russia in the field of supervision? What are the pros you can announce while the implementation of this agreement for the development of your banking system, as well as for the Russian one?
2. Inspections of credit institutions are carried out in Russia to carry out the functions of banking regulation and supervision. In light of recent events in Russia, there is a maximum of the closure of many banks (revocation of license). How do you assess the actions of a mega-regulator? And what influence " Banks closure" in Russia.
3. What are the distinguishing features compared with the Russian mega-regulator you have in Vietnam regulations on banking supervision? Can you describe how the banking institution are supervised by the SBV?
4. What would you wish to Vietnam partner - SBR (State Bank of Russia) in the light of the difficult economic period for it? What decisions in the field of banking supervision do you think could help to improve the situation in the banking business?
5. For example, 03.04.15 SBV revoked the license of Ho Chi Minh rem .. (HCMC Rep.) What actions of commercial banks can cause withdrawal of the license? Can you describe this process in more detail. How the requirements of SBV are tough for the commercial banks?
6. What do you know about the banking supervision of the Bank of Russia and any distinguishing features are you watching?
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