Momma’s grandchildren couldn’t fathom calling Momma “Annie”, so when other young adolescents would come into the store and address her as such, they would be livid. Almost ashamed. Also, their Uncle worked in the store with Momma. White kids would come in the store bossing him around, giving him things to do that could easily be done by themselves. To her “crying shame”, he and his grandmother would do…
Rate each of the following statements as TRUE or FALSE. Justify your answer with an example or explanation to prove and illustrate your understanding. DO NOT OMIT THIS PART OF THE TEST. True/False answers can be guessed. But when you defend your answer by example or explanation, you demonstrate not only your memory and understanding but also that you can apply what you have learned. The first question is answered for you.…
The main character in the story is actually prejudiced and makes many statements using racial remarks. For example, Mrs. Turpin, the main character, refers to the higher class woman as “well-dressed and pleasant”. She also labels the teenage girl as “ugly” and the poor woman as “white-trashy”. When Mrs. Turpin talks with her black workers, she often uses the word “nigger” in her thoughts. These characteristics she has given her characters definitely reveals the Southern lifestyle which she was a part of.…
4b. How do Lee’s words contrast with the image of southerners as depicted in the cartoon from Document 3?…
The first facade that the Grandmother tries to portray of herself is when she expressed how important it was for her to dress up during the road trip so that “anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once she was a lady”, with this statement one can see that the Grandmother is morally and spiritually disconnected. On the way to Florida Grandmother's character slowly unravels as she criticizes the “little packaninny” they saw standing outside with no pants on, stating that the “little niggers in the country don't have things like we do” suggesting that they were better off than most people which is contradictory to what most Christians believe(Bedford/St. Martin's 141). The Grandmother nags her son into taking them to visit an old plantation…
She stands for everything a traditional Southern woman is supposed to, She wears dresses, and she hosts tea parties, and gossips. She stands by the thought that only old, white families are of value, and that every family had a “streak”. Whether it is a drinking “streak” or an incest “streak”, Aunt Alexandra has something against everybody. She gossips and tries to make believe she is perfect. She despises Scout’s overalls and she tries so hard to force Scout to be the perfect Southern lady that Scout has no desire to become. Mrs. Dubose is another “perfect Southern woman.” She has problems, particularly an addiction to morphine, but she sweeps them all under the rug because in a town like Maycomb, Alabama, filled with these “perfect Southern women”, you can’t show imperfection, because once you do, you’re thrown to the…
The grandmother and Mrs. May have many similarities. They consider themselves to be Christians but carry themselves in a different manner. Mrs. May says “she thought the word Jesus, should be kept inside the church building like other words in the bedroom” (O’Connor). To hear others talk about Jesus she felt like a child insulted her. The grandmother says,” It isn’t a soul in this green world of God’s that you can trust” (O’Connor). She loves to discuss God but doesn’t really believe any word God says. Mrs. May and the grandmother are also very negative women. The grandmother complains the whole trip and makes fun of people they see. She sees a negro child and refers to him as a pickaninny. Mrs. May states,…
The Narrator was sure to explain details about the old ladies appearance that showed that this old lady was living a poor lifestyle and didn’t care for appearance or hygiene. All the detail about the old lady was done selectively, and not in a condescending manner, but more like pitty. The Narrator also made it clear that she was a former slave…
It is extremely relevant in both novels that there is prejudice of whites against blacks, but, Coming of Age in Mississippi exemplifies other types of prejudice. In The Help there is mainly prejudice against whites and blacks, while the African Americans discussed are "dark" skinned. In Coming of Age in Mississippi there is also prejudice against lighter skinned blacks, darker skinned blacks, and also wealthy towards the poor. Anne experiences each type of prejudice which angers her and drives her to be a part of the Civil Rights Movement. Anne exemplifies, "They were Negroes and we were also Negroes. I just didn't see Negroes hating each other so much." Anne refers to the light skinned Raymond family who looks down upon Anne and her family. Anne is partially confused that lighter-skinned black people could possibly diminish black people because she views them as the same. To Anne, African Americans are black people, no matter how light or dark the individual may be. But, during this time, lighter-skinned African Americans obtained a higher social status than dark skinned people. Associated similarly, individuals with a higher level of wealth also had a higher social status than poor people. Skin color prejudice plays a significant role in Coming of Age in Mississippi and The…
Even though the Grandmother shows to be a victim of rudeness, hostile statements, and dangerous situations, she still stood by her morals regardless of the situations. In the first paragraph, the grandmother is a victim of her grandchildren and at the end, she is a victim of a murderer who ironically is much nicer to her than her own grandchildren! It is easily observed that the grandmother's morals involve making her environment as pleasant as her personality. At the beginning, you can see how the grandchildren are making hostile comments towards the grandmother about going on the trip with them. As she sits in the back seat with the hostile children instead of allowing them to ruin her mood, she decides to point out the " interesting details of the scenery- stone mountain's; the blue granite, the brilliant red clay banks slightly streaked with purple" . (pg 199). At the end while a victim of a murderer the grandmother still tried to make some good out of the situation. "Ain't a cloud in the sky" he remarked. "Yes it is a beautiful day" said the grandmother.…
To some people’s perspective, the Southern United States is an engaging and culturally vibrant region that is distinct from the rest of the nation. George Packer stated in his article, Southern Discomfort, that “Solidity has always been the South’s strength”, which is part of the reason why the South is so distinct (Packer 2). In the article, Packer identifies the South as “the next thing to being a nation within a nation”, emphasizing that the South is a region nearly different from the rest of the nation (Packer 1). The article also mentions how the South is growing more isolated from the United States because of its distinctiveness and adherence to old traditions. There is a huge problem in the situation present and it is not the South’s rigidness to its beliefs: as the South continues to grow more isolated from the rest of the nation, the nation, in some aspects, becomes more separated from the South. This isolation is crippling the South, especially education. The effectiveness of Southern education will continue to decrease as the South and the rest of the nation, especially the North, continues to separate. This predicament puts students in the South at a disadvantage in school and workplace, making it needlessly more difficult for them as they start their careers.…
The rural south was now a high tech, innovative region that welcomed diversity from other regions of the United States. This diversity introduced change in southern culture and the rebirth of the entire region. From the creation of NASA, to the popular beaches and cities the south was booming.“They were not the plantation overseers of ignorant hillbillies of the past..” says Schulman. The people of the south were not their forefathers. They were finally laying to rest all the negative stereotypes associated with the region. Citizens of the south have taken their history and transformed it into something more positive. When speaking on the south in the past there were always negative associations, but with the rebirth of this region, people were taking those negative assumptions and using them to their advantage. Southerners have taken their past and made it into something positive. From the evolution of country fashion, to the formation of annual getaway destinations, the south has risen from its history. “Southerners no longer felt ashamed of their region..” (Schulman 114) The south was becoming a more innovative region. Southerners created fashion, music, and technology not seen in other regions. This innovation created a boom in regional pride and unity amongst its population. The south did a complete metamorphosis and changed for the better. “On the contrary, their culture… became increasingly popular in the very places where it had been most disdained.” (Schulman,…
Throughout the short story by Flannery O’Connor’s story “A Good Man is Hard to Find” used cultural context that represents the use and belief of a southern roots lifestyle that took place in a small town in Georgia somewhere between the 1940’s-1950’s. The Grandmother is the main character and in several instances she replicates the historical and cultural race issues present during those times because she would refer to African Americans as “Negros” or “N*gg* rs” which was common use of slang by southern whites around that time. For example, the Grandma was telling her young obnoxious granddaughter named June Star, a story and even mentioned a derogatory statement which was stated “Little nigg*rs in the country don’t have thinks like we do” which…
Finally when her appeal to Bailey does not work she uses the children to convince the mother to change Bailey’s mind; stating the children needed to go someplace where they could be “broad” (O’Connor, M. 1955, p. 258), expand their knowledge to experience, see and explore another state. The grandmother becomes very dramatic with her actions, with the hopes the mother heard her conversation with Bailey and would react insisting he listen to his mother and change their plans accordingly. After all a mother who loves her children would not put them consciously in harm’s way. The grandmother’s motive is self centered with no regards to the feelings of others.…
Even though the Grandmother shows to be a victim of rudeness, hostile statements, and dangerous situations, she still stood by her morals regardless of the situations. In the first paragraph, the grandmother is a victim of her grandchildren and at the end, she is a victim of a murderer who ironically is much nicer to her than her own grandchildren! It is easily observed that the grandmother’s morals involve making her environment as pleasant as her personality. At the beginning, you can see how the grandchildren are making hostile comments towards the grandmother about going on the trip with them. As she sits in the back seat with the hostile children instead of allowing them to ruin her mood, she decides to point out the “ interesting details of the scenery- stone mountain’s; the blue granite,…