Gaius Julius Caesar was a brilliant general, a great politician, and a powerful dictator of the Roman republic. He was born on July 17, 100 BC and he was assassinated on March 15, 44…
Either the Heron or Hawk and fish populations in the salt water marshes are a prime example of a predator-prey relationship; the heron finds its prey by walking or “waddling” through the shallow waters of the marsh and catching fish by striking them with the birds long neck and beak, swallowing the fish whole; and the Hawk with its powerful wings flies down and grabs the fish right out of the water (Also helping to control the area’s fish population.)…
Planet of the apes is a novel based on what it would be like if Apes ruled the Planet. The book starts off with three scientists traveling to outer space to explore the universe. There Trip takes a relatively short time for them compared to how much time has actually passed. They discover a planet that has a lot of the same geographical features as their home planet earth. They land on the planet but two of the three scientists die and only Ulysse who is the main character is left. He lands on the planet and he finds a human race similar looking to humans from their time but less intelligent. They would be equivalent to an animal’s intelligence on earth. He finds a female human that he is attracted to and calls her Nova.…
Gaius Julius Caesar was born on July 12 in 100 BC in Rome. He is the son of Gaius Caesar and Aurelia. He appointed dictator for ten years in 47 B, for the life on February 14 in 44 BC. He was married to Cornelia he had one daughter named Julia, then he married Pompiea, alas to Calpurnia. Julius Caesar was tall, and fair-haired. He was well built and the sound of health. Thought he suffered from the occasional epileptic fit. Julius Caesar grew up in a period of unrest and civil war in Rome.…
gladiators. This made Caesar extremely popular with the people, and at the height of his popularity…
Have you ever thought of what the world would be like if the it was ending? This thought of everything around us falling apart and losing the ones we love. Nothing will matter to you anymore except for surviving. In both Station Eleven and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the characters encounter a world that suffers through an epidemic virus that spread across the human population, demolishing a big fraction of the race. In a world ravaged by disease, the loss of individuals can impact the lives of the survivors negatively, but also lead to the formation of new communities. This aids in the survival with a population of apes in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes as opposed to other survivors in Station Eleven.…
Julius Caesar was born in Rome on July 13, 100 B.C. Being the leaders of the Roman Republic, Caesar form hung armies and conquered many new lands. He became extremely powerful and formed the Roman Empire. His Senators were worried that he had gained too much power and became frightened of him. They began to plot ways to kill him (…
Gaius Julius Caesar was a man of high prestige, charm and talent. His physical appearance and the way he put himself out to the public was a great factor to his iconic ongoing Legacy. He was described as “tall, with a pale complexion, shapely limbs, a rather chubby face and black piercing eyes”(Garland). This distinct description of Caesar gives an iconic symbol to many Romans. His description of a strong male physic can be linked to his military achievements. Caesar was fairly active during war and had a high expectation of winning. In the battle of Gaul in Alesia he served with his men at their weakest point and ended up winning the war. Political leaders at his time such as Pompey and Vercingetorix would order their army rather then lead them. According to Garland “He marched alongside his legionaries bareheaded in both sun and rain, and made it a point of honour to endure the same hardships” it not only proves the point of his highly physic body but…
Caesar was very helpful to the people when he took over. He created many solid reforms to give the people what they needed. He won people over by creating them. Some of the reforms he created were tax reforms in Asia and Sicily, allowing captured people to become citizens, and giving free food to the poor. The tax reforms in Asia and Sicily were made because “both had suffered from avaricious governors and tax-collectors.” (Seindal 2003) This put Caesar at an advantage because this reform got people in other places to like him better. Caesar allowed people that he captured while he was fighting to become citizens throughout his dictatorship. This helped the Roman Empire prosper because it had many different abilities and trades coming in with all the different people. Finally, Caesar gave food to the poor. He didn’t ration it. He just gave it out to them. This meant that people that couldn’t get their own food could have it very…
Julius caesar was born in 100BC into a wealthy family which jump started his career in politics and the military. Because he was born into a noble family he became a commander in the army like most young noble men. This is where he found his dislike in the Roman system and way of running things, this is also where he found his two allies and friends that would help thrust him into gaining power.(Ushistory)…
good leader and that the people liked him. He tried to convince the people of Rome that Caesar…
Caesar’s family background and Marian connections gave him a base to build his career as well as enhancing his reputation and status in society. His family, Gens Julia were of noble patrician roots, but at the time neither rich nor influential. However they were able to claim decent from Trojan prince Aeneas, supposed son of the goddess Venus. This claim to both royal and divine decent gave Caesar high social standing within roman society at the time. Caesar’s aunt Julia was married to Gaius Marius who during Caesar’s infancy was the most powerful man in Rome, holding an unprecedented seven consecutive consulships along with leading the faction known as the populares. These Marian connections were exploited by Caesar himself at every possible opportunity most notably the funerals of his aunt Julia and his wife Cornelia. While delivering their eulogies he flaunted his Marian heritage, Plutarch telling us that “As nephew of Julia the deceased wife…
Julius Caesar was born into a very prominent family of administrators and conquerors (Sivers, 180). This would make perfect sense since he goes on to be a very powerful military and political leader. Julius Caesar became head of his household at the age of sixteen when his father passed away. After this, a bloody dispute comes about involving his uncle and their bitter rival Sulla. After a short stent as priest, Caesar joins the army and immediately begins to move up the ranks (Grant, 23-24). During his life he conducted very many military campaigns, at one point during his military career he was in charge of four legions (Grant, 31), which was a big army during that time. One of his most famous expeditions known as the Gallic Wars took place partially because he was in debt. For the most part this campaign was a failure because the original Triumvirate died and secondly, Caesar was pushed back most of the time. Finally he got the upper hand on Vercingetorix at the Battle of Alesia. This seemed like a for sure win for the Gauls, but with Caesar’s…
because of something Caesar did, but because if he becomes king he “might change nature.” The…
These apes were also suppose to be used for Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders. Even though chimps and humans may develop brain amyloid plaques, the protein structures of those plaques are different. Studies have shown that cross-species genetic studies have documented that gene expression in the chimpanzee cerebral cortex has “no detectable similarity” with that detected in humans. Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases derives from longitudinal studies of patients and post-mortem brain studies. In the UK researchers stated “M]odelling human mental disorders in experimental animals is fraught with difficulties. Depression models generally lack both clinical and scientific credibility and have, thus far, failed to inform treatment strategies previously acquired through serendipity.” Meaning that just because humans and chimps have some similar characterizes there is millions of DNA sequence differences plus innumerable and variable differences in gene expression between our two…